When we talk about target and dream....everyone will have their own target and their own dreams..it will be based on what do you want to achieve in your life?? Great job? Great house ? Great family ? Great muslim or muslimah ? It all your choice...
It same goes while you doing the business....it must have a target and goal...to be CDM ( in Hai O marketing business)....to go to Holland or Vietnam/ Umrah for free....to get RM4500 bonus
Me myself....?? It might be differ from other people...my business target would be...to make MY PARENT'S LIFE GREATER...InsyaAllah. Amin. while they're still alive..I want to give everything that they've gave to me 30years ago...while I'm still a baby, then grow up as a naughty kid, a student in secondary and primary school..then went to universities...and now I'm already married! There's a lot of things that not been done yet...
Tipulah kalau aku katakan yg aku tak inginkan hidup yg lebih selesa...rumah idaman kereta idaman...dapat penuhi semua impian ahli keluarga...shopping..melancong....but i believe that...all those wishes will come true once you did well to your parents first..it been promised by Allah dalam Al Quran....it's not only the happiness and greatness in your life now...but thereafter...insyaAllah...and towards that target...
Tipulah kalau aku katakan yg aku tak inginkan hidup yg lebih selesa...rumah idaman kereta idaman...dapat penuhi semua impian ahli keluarga...shopping..melancong....but i believe that...all those wishes will come true once you did well to your parents first..it been promised by Allah dalam Al Quran....it's not only the happiness and greatness in your life now...but thereafter...insyaAllah...and towards that target...
*** i could give them at least RM2000 per month
*** i could bring them for Hajj with my own money
*** i could fullfll all their wishes and dream that might been kept in their mind for long time ago
*** i could build their dream house
***and most important thing...i wish..i could spent my lifetime taking care of them.....while
they're sick...and when they need me
All my wishes won't come true if I am what I'm doing now...and where am I now...as we are bond to 8 working hours everyday and 5 days a week..2 days break on Saturday and Sunday didnt assure me that i can strictly went back to my hometown ! How am I going to take care of them then? as I'm in Kuala Lumpur and they were in Johore?? I wish that there are 10 days in a week which is impossible to happen...then...what shud i do?So I need to make a move to make my wish come true...
Come everyone who has a same target like me....do join me as business partner...and we make our dreams come true...dengan keberkatan dan keredhaanNya.. in Al Quran already said that
juga sebagaiman dalam surat Luqman .ini banyak dimuatkan dalam al-Quran yang menunjukkan bahawa perkara ini amat penting.
“Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (agar berbuat baik) kepada kedua orang tuanya, ibunya telah mengandungkannya dengan keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyusukannya selama dua tahun, bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua orang tuamu, hanya kepada Aku kembalimu” (Luqman, 31: 14)
Let's everyone....we do it together....dont target for big car...big money....but to make our parents life greater dengan keredhaan dan izin Allah....by that..insyaAllah automatically big money..big car ..big house will come to you...Islam sendiri telah menyarankan sembilan daripada sepuluh punca rezeki adalah PERNIAGAAN...jom kita majukan langkah dan dalam masa yang sama dapat mengembangkan silaturrahim..kita usaha, kita ikhitiar dan dalam masa yang sama kita bertawakal kepadaNya. Wallahualam.
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