Saturday, December 31, 2011


Seminar SM/SSM 2011
Eastin Hotel, PJ

Wow!! It's such a big team right?? Can u imagine that our great leader Hanis Haizi and her others CDM team Kak Mai, Kak Salha, Raz ...can gather this much of people who dare to dream big...and step out from just an ordinary lifestyle to a better level !
At 1st seminar that been held early January....only 100+ people that came...and as u can see....almost 300++ people NOW during November 2011. It's such a great achievement right?

Who said that this biz susah nk buat ?  Doing this biz need a lot of friends? All of the leaders...starting with ZERO at first time they joined the biz... ada yang surirumah...ada jururawat...ada yang masih belajar...ada jugak yang pendiam...ada yang langsung takde marketing basis...but they can do it! Apa yang penting....just follow and duplicate the leaders guide....steps and strategies....for sure u also can do it! As per what they said " Kita kena pandai mengira...bukan berkira". Such a good and meaningful phrase for those whose willing to take the challenges and to do better in their life... Kalau biz ni tak won't grow as fast as you can see now...many people out there already got what they want....and why not US?
Jom....let me share the opportunity with u......feel free to contact me for futher details about this biz...


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Alhamdulillah beruntungnya kita menjadi umat Muhammad S.A.W and hamba Allah S.W.T banyak amalan2 dan doa2 yang kita boleh amalkan dalam kehidupan seharian in order to be a good person...doa untuk anak2...doa untuk suami dan keluarga...tapi apa yg kita nk kongsikan kat sini...doa untuk murah rezeki...bagi kawan2 kat luar sana...yang mungkin ada waktunya merasakan...sempit sangat rezeki....liat sangat dalam urusan harian mereka.....itu mudah...semakin dekat kita dengan Allah...semakin dekat rahmat dan kurniaNya kepada kita, hambaNya...Langkah pertama...semestinya apa yg telah diwajibkan dan menjadi tiang bagi segala amalan kita iaitu solat 5 waktu..jangan pernah tinggal...insyaAllah...kita takkan pernah rasa "ditinggalkan" dan " bersendirian" dalam mengharungi hari2 kita di muka bumi Allah ini.
Seterusnya, perbanyakkan amalan sunat....samada solat2 sunat..solat tahajud, solat taubat, solat tasbih, solat witir dan solat hajat...insyaAllah...Allah takkan pernah mengecewakan permintaan hambaNya..cuma cepat atau lambat ...itu semua adalah perancanganNya..dan ada sebab kenapa ia lambat...cepat atau mungkin belum lagi...kerana perancangan Allah ada sebaik2 perancangan..
Selain itu, perbanyakkan bersedekah dan puasa sunat Isnin dan Khamis sebaiknya setiap minggu....amalkan solat sunat Dhuha yang mana menjadi sebaik2 solat sunat untuk menambah rezeki. Niat, cara dan doa solat Dhuha seperti kat bawah ni..

Mari sama2 kita amalkan dan jadikan ia sebahagian daripada urusan seharian kita...bila dah selalu buat...lama2 akan jadi kebiasaan kita setiap hari...macam kita mandi dan gosok gigi jugakla....kalau sehari kita tak gosok gigi apatah lagi mandi...pasti rasa tak selesa atau ada benda yang tak kena kan???

Seterusnya saya share kan juga...doa2 untuk minta dimurahkan rezeki...Allah sangat suka kepada hambaNya yang jom pakat2...hafaz atau amalkan doa2 ni dalam doa harian kita setiap kali selepas solat..

Renung2kanlah dan selamat beramal!


 This is four main elements that important in measuring your size


 Under bust



This is to ensure that the PB is suit and custom to your body.

Want to know your size?
Want to shape your body?

Call and set appointment with me now


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hafiz & Adira - Ombak Rindu (OST Ombak Rindu Movie)

This was my favourite love story since I was a teenage other than Lagenda Budak Setan....spent my whole day to finish reading this's so sad and i emotionally cried...huwaa...and now in's in movie..and of course i really excited to watch it...and i did it...and as i expected...i cried...not a normal cry but too much cried...huwaaaa..can't believe it... i pun kena jugak demam Ombak Rindu...

This movie is so close to my heart..ditambah dengan soundtrack movie ni yang so touching ... part of the lyrics " Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia...untuk terimaku seadanya...kerna ku tak sanggup kerna ku tak mampu hidup tanpa dia disisiku...." Such a great video clip..with such a great song..sang by 2 great singers..Hafiz and Adira that have power voices...make the song so "alive"....I can cry whenever i listen to it....its so bad rite....?? Am too emotional....hahahahaa but can't deny and can't avoid the layannnnzz!

Thanks to Mr Director...for making this great choosing great actor and actress ( even i think that the actress a.k.a Maya Karin not fully "bersatu with watak" as Izzah ( the main character) that supposedly to be an original kampung girl...that nerd...polite and 'kampung look a like'...which is totally NOT in Maya Karin as her slang at first place...has already failed her as kampung girl...her face also Pan Asian...and of course is not Malay kampung girl...but doesnt matter as it been totally over shadowed by Mr macho man Aaron Harriz.....and guess what guys...the big impact of this novel to me?????? I named my son Harriz...because of the deep feel of this novel....hahhahha....fortunately...i didnt have a daughter...might as i will put her name as Izzah..hahahaha. But I wish my Harriz wont be the same Harriz in the movie...i just love the name of Harriz....but not Harriz character in the novels as well as in the movie...but i do love Aaron Aziz whose been Harriz in the movie..hahah crazy me!! Go ladies out there....go watch and cry with the movie.....have fun!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Alhamdulillah....6 tahun sudah usia perkahwinan kami....dengan izin up with engagement period, merisik and's already 9 years we've been together actually...and most grateful gift was our son Harriz Iman...our sweetheart and soul.

 Our celebration are combination of my beloved hubby's 33th birthday on 30th November and our anniversary on 4th December....nothing special...just a special cupcakes yg bertemakan "kami sekeluarga" and special dinner for 3 of us...

 Jeng jeng jeng...such a nice decoration and great combination of colors right? The idea of the theme is totally came from me....i did choose the colors..the designs and also those sweet little tiny "3 of us"...

 special thanks to CakeFrosting Azlin Ali......for the awesome and delicious cuppies...

This tiny "3 of us" did make this cupcakes looks so special.....Mama, Abah and Ayez...but the different size of the most little patung jadik issue to Ayyez when he said that
" Abah kenapa patung utk Ayez kecik je???? Ayez kan dah besar???"
Berderai gelak ketawa kami suami isteri....dalam banyak2 menda kat cupcakes ni...isu besar kecik yang menjadi kerisauan hero kesayangan kami tu....
" ok..ok...birthday harriz tahun depan mama buat patung beesarrr utk harriz ok..."

 Birthday boy with our little Harriz

 Sessi suap menyuap......guess who took this pic??? It's Harriz... no wonder he keep telling that he's already grown up.....ok my little boy....opss...sorry i said it again...ok my big boy....thanks for taking this picture perfectly!

Aik..takkan tengok je? hahhahaha

Ok that's all around the birthday celebration and our anniversary.....the cuppies session we just did it at house...after that...went out for dinner....


Thanks for the great 6 years been with u...
Thanks for being my arm and shoulder
Thanks for preparing a path for me and us to Jannah Allah
Love u B.......

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I'm here with you
Now let me let you know
You've opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there's a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I'll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Through days and night
I'll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I'll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You're my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we're together to Jannah
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And there's a couple word I want to say
For the rest of my life
I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I'll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Through days and night
I'll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I'll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart now that you're here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I'm singing loud that I'll love you eternally
For the rest of my life
I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I'll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I'll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I'll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart

Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah....hopefully there will be our 7th anniversary next year and there will be post and pictures of our 7th...insyaAllah


 ------------------------------ MAEPS, Serdang on 13th November 2011---------------------------------

"tagline" of the event

And all these pictures is taken during the night....a night that celebrating all our
 new Crown Diamond Manager (CDM) all over Malaysia...
Congrats to all of u!

 Me and hubby was in the middle of 10k crowd of peoples...

 Me with my leader DSM Aliah Nasreen

 Go go..we will be the next CDM...insyaAllah

 Our team mate

 With our great CDM Hanis Haizi....
What's the greatest things about her that nite?? Her dress costed RM15 thousand...OMG!

 With my great partner and supporter yg setia...

Post terakhir sebelum berangkat pulang.....kurus tak kitaorang???

Actually I'm out of theme that shud  be red and black ..but i'm totally different from other people..but .that doesnt make a big long as i'm there celebrating those leaders...hahahahaha


When we talk about target and dream....everyone will have their own target and their own will be based on what do you want to achieve in your life?? Great job? Great house ? Great family ? Great muslim or muslimah ? It all your choice...

It same goes while you doing the must have a target and be CDM ( in Hai O marketing business) go to Holland or Vietnam/ Umrah for get RM4500 bonus

Me myself....?? It might be differ from other business target would make MY PARENT'S LIFE GREATER...InsyaAllah. Amin. while they're still alive..I want to give everything that they've gave to me 30years ago...while I'm still a baby, then grow up as a naughty kid, a student in secondary and primary school..then went to universities...and now I'm already married! There's a lot of things that not been done yet...

Tipulah kalau aku katakan yg aku tak inginkan hidup yg lebih selesa...rumah idaman kereta idaman...dapat penuhi semua impian ahli i believe that...all those wishes will come true once you did well to your parents been promised by Allah dalam Al's not only the happiness and greatness in your life now...but thereafter...insyaAllah...and towards that target...

  *** i could give them at least RM2000 per month
  *** i could bring them for Hajj with my own money
  *** i could fullfll all their wishes and dream that might been kept in their mind for long time ago
  *** i could build their dream house
   ***and most important thing...i wish..i could spent my lifetime taking care of them.....while    
        they're sick...and when they need me

All my wishes won't come true if I am what I'm doing now...and where am I we are bond to 8 working hours everyday and 5 days a week..2 days break on Saturday and Sunday didnt assure me that i can strictly went back to my hometown ! How am I going to take care of them then? as I'm in Kuala Lumpur and they were in Johore?? I wish that there are 10 days in a week which is impossible to happen...then...what shud i do?So I need to make a move to make my wish come true...
Come everyone who has a same target like join me as business partner...and we make our dreams come true...dengan keberkatan dan keredhaanNya.. in Al Quran already said that

“Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan, supaya kamu tidak menyembah selain Allah, dan hendaklah berbuat santun terhadap kedua orang tua. Jika salah seorang telah lanjut usianya, atau kedua-duanya telah tua, janganlah sekali-kali engkau berani berkata ‘ah’ terhadap mereka dan janganlah engkau suka menggertak mereka. Tetapi berkatalah dengan sopan santun dan lemah lembut.” (al-Isra’, 17: 23 )

juga sebagaiman dalam surat Luqman .ini banyak dimuatkan dalam al-Quran yang menunjukkan bahawa perkara ini amat penting.
“Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (agar berbuat baik) kepada kedua orang tuanya, ibunya telah mengandungkannya dengan keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyusukannya selama dua tahun, bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua orang tuamu, hanya kepada Aku kembalimu” (Luqman, 31: 14)

Let's everyone....we do it together....dont target for big car...big money....but to make our parents life greater dengan keredhaan dan izin that..insyaAllah automatically big money..big car ..big house will come to you...Islam sendiri telah menyarankan sembilan daripada sepuluh punca rezeki adalah PERNIAGAAN...jom kita majukan langkah dan dalam masa yang sama dapat mengembangkan silaturrahim..kita usaha, kita ikhitiar dan dalam masa yang sama kita bertawakal kepadaNya. Wallahualam.




add me on FB
Redlove Collections

Friday, December 2, 2011


PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL is one of the good solution on producing milk while breasfeeding. As far as we knew, most mommy or new mommy will facing problem of producing milk that will not enough for their babies due to a "traditional diet" during confinement period.

There is a traditional custom of postpartum confinement practice in our country ( not just for the Malays) that during the 40 days (some people until 60 days and few reach till 100 days) the mother have to wear the "bengkung".

Traditional Bengkung


Upgraded bengkung / modern

Why YOU should wear PB during CONFINEMENT??????

>>>>>>>You get the result instantly
>>>>>>much easier to wear and to take it off
>>>>>baby friendly corset (easy to breastfeed the baby)
>>>>>very comfortable! You can move, walk, and carry your baby anywhere anytime, so easy!
>>>>>by wearing PB corset, you will feel the tummy is being ‘hold’ properly.
>>>>>>Get back your pre-pregnancy shape and size exactly after your confinement periods
>>>>>Your uterus will be in it’s pre-pregnancy position and size just by breastfeed your baby and wear PB.
>>>>>>get rid/ fadden away the Stretch Mark and Celulite
>>>>>>regulates blood flow..lochia/ darah nifas take the exit door faster! and you will not be having constipation.
>>>>>>balance your hormones (estrogens and progesterone).
>>>>>>And not to forget that wearing PB will help to increase your breastmilk production!

#U pregnant? Book now.....and get your pre-pregnancy size back soon...
#U are in confinement condition?? It's still not too late to wear it
#U already left confinement terms few years ago...still and must wear PB as it is for every women even for a guy to rid of your "spare part"
#U are husband?? Get this for your beloved wife as a gift and as an apppreciation to her for giving u the great and amazing "anugerah".
Call me now to get your PB set

find me on facebook
Redlove Collections

Monday, November 28, 2011


U see this...and you will believe it...
Our CDM Siti Rohana Yusuf
the most proven testimony of PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL users



 pic of her on 19 November this year

She was 98 KG before and  now she is ONLY55KG!!!
So...when is your turn?? Let's make a move...

